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Streamgage Attributes, Basin Characteristics, and Seasonal Flow Regimes, Selected Streamgages in Alaska, 1914-2017

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This data set contains selected information about U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgages in Alaska that had at least 5 years of daily streamflow record through September 30, 2017. The goals for developing this dataset were to identify USGS streamgages that had at least 5 years of daily streamflow that responded mostly to seasonal meteorological inputs, that had a definable drainage basin above a minimum size from which basin characteristics could be determined, and that provided streamflow data not similar to another streamgage record in the dataset. Streamgages meeting these criteria for at least part of their records constituted the dataset for a study investigating seasonal flow regimes and streamflow drivers for Alaska. For 253 streamgages meeting selection criteria, data include period of record characteristics, basin characteristics, and flow regime cluster analysis results. The basin characteristics are provided in their original U.S. customary units and as values transformed to metric units. For an additional 78 streamgages, data include the special conditions affecting streamflow that disqualified the streamgage from the study, including recurring outburst floods, regulation, urbanization, hydrologic redundancy with another streamgage, drainage basin below minimum size, or an indeterminate drainage basin.

Author(s): Curran, J. H.; Biles, F. E.

Suggested Citation:
Curran, J. H. and Biles, F. E., 2020, Streamgage attributes, basin characteristics, and seasonal flow regimes, selected streamgages in Alaska, 1914-2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Referenced Publication(s):

Curran, J. H., N. A. Barth, A. G. Veilleux, and R. T. Ourso. 2016. Estimating flood magnitude and frequency at gaged and ungaged sites on streams in Alaska and conterminous basins in Canada, based on data through water year 2012. USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5024, 47 p. doi:10.3133/sir20165024

Curran, J. H. and F. E. Biles. 2020. Identification of Seasonal Streamflow Regimes and Streamflow Drivers for Daily and Peak Flows in Alaska. Water Resources Research 57(2):e2020WR028425. doi:10.1029/2020WR028425

DataID: 355 | doi:10.5066/P90K2Y4R | Date Posted Online: 2020-12-17 | Last Updated: 2020-12-18 10:08:05

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