Alaska Flood Hydrology
Examine peak-streamflow trends and flood-generating mechanisms for AlaskaAbstract
Annual peak streamflows form the basis for analysis of flood frequency and magnitude, used widely for design of critical public infrastructure and analysis of aquatic resources. Consideration of changes to peak streamflow over time in response to climate variability has become a critical component of planning for public safety and water resources stewardship. Investigations of peak streamflow trends for the U.S. note the presence of positive and negative trends in some locations but specific data for Alaska is limited. In cooperation with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, the USGS Alaska Science Center is using USGS streamflow daily and peak streamflow records to assess peak streamflow trends and associate peak streamflows with the primary processes flood-generating mechanisms, typically snowmelt, glacier melt, and rainfall, found in Alaska.
Curran, Janet H., 907-786-7128Status: onGoing
Start Year: 2017
End Year: 2020