GIS prospectivity analysis for critical minerals in ore-forming systems in Alaska
A primary objective of this project is to evaluate the distribution of, and improve the understanding of where, how, and why critical and strategic minerals are found in ore-forming systems in Alaska.Abstract
A primary objective of this project is to evaluate the distribution of, and improve the understanding of where, how, and why critical and strategic minerals are found in ore-forming systems in Alaska. A multi-faceted approach by which this project will meet the goals of MRP includes 1) data-driven analysis of the distribution and concentrations of critical minerals in Alaska, 2) enhanced spatial and technical resolution databases for a solid foundation for land management decisions by federal and state agency partners, native corporations, and landholders, and 3) support of the 3-DEEP/CMMI to improve the understanding of geology and critical mineral resources in Alaska. In addition to their primary role in delineating mineralization trends and mineral belts, data-driven GIS analyses for mineral prospectivity contribute to understanding the geology and resources of Alaska.
Karl, Susan , 907.786.7428Status: onGoing
Start Year: 2018
End Year: 2021