Alaska Science Center

ASC Data Repository

Descriptions, Depth to Refusal, and Field-Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Soils on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska, 2012-2016

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This dataset includes soil data collected from various landscapes adjacent to thaw ponds on the North Slope of Alaska between 2012 and 2018. The landscapes include ice-rich polygonal ground found on basin uplands, as well as bluffs and lake edges. At each site a visual description of soil type and texture was performed, and a permafrost probe was used to determine a 'depth to refusal'. Given that the soils are mostly fine-grained and there were no obvious rock strikes, we believe that 'depth to refusal' indicates the thaw depth. Field-saturated hydraulic conductivity was determined in most locations using a Guelph Permeameter.

Author(s): Koch, J. C.

Suggested Citation:
Koch, J. C., 2020, Descriptions, depth to refusal, and field-saturated hydraulic conductivity of soils on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska, 2012-2016: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

DataID: 316 | doi:10.5066/P9US8C5X | Date Posted Online: 2020-08-07 | Last Updated:

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