ASC Data Repository
These data are the responses of researchers, managers, community members, and tour guides who live or work in polar bear habitats anywhere within their range to inquiries about the types, frequency, and potential impacts of recreational activities. Respondents answered a series of questions on their background and experience with polar bears and the geographic area in which they are familiar. Respondents then indicated how common specific types of recreations are in the area in which they are familiar and whether various types of potential impacts were perceived or had been observed to occur. Finally, respondents prioritized a list of management actions and research needs.
Rode, K. D., J. K. Fortin-Noreus, D. L. Garshelis, M. Dyck, V. Sahanatien, T. C. Atwood, S. E. Belikov, K. L. Laidre, S. Miller, M. E. Obbard, D. Vongraven, J. V. Ware, and J. Wilder. 2018. Survey-based assessment of the frequency and potential impacts of recreation on polar bears. Biological Conservation 227:121-132. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2018.09.008
DataID: 220 | doi:10.5066/F7J67F31 | Date Posted Online: 2018-09-14 | Last Updated: 2019-07-29 12:41:43