Streambed Scour Monitoring and Modeling at Bridge Crossings in Alaska
This program uses a multiphase approach to evaluate the streambed scour susceptibility of bridge crossings in Alaska.Abstract
Streambed scour at bridges is the leading cause of bridge failure in the United States. The costs associated with restoring damaged structures are substantial, but the indirect costs associated with the disruption of traffic are often even greater, especially in Alaska, where alternate land routes between many cities do not exist. This study evaluates the scour susceptibility of 325 bridges using hydraulic models and federally recommended predictive equations. The results from these studies allow state and federal agencies to identify structures that require mitigation of the scour problem, annual monitoring, or near real-time scour monitoring. In addition, the USGS performs complex hydraulic modeling at select bridges to further evaluate the hazards associated with streambed scour. This investigation will provide scientifically sound data to those tasked with safe design and maintenance of bridge structures that span river environments common to the western United States.
Conaway, Jeff S., 907-786-7041Schauer, Paul V., 907-786-7005
Status: onGoing
Start Year: 2012
End Year: 2021