Ecosystems Analytics
The Ecosystems Analytics group uses novel and cutting edge statistical, mapping, and graphical methods to conduct research on a variety of taxa. Our overarching goal is to help inform wildlife and land management decisions through assisting partners with designing monitoring programs, analyzing existing data, and developing new research projects.Abstract
Land managers and ecologists are experts in their chosen concentrations, whether that’s a species or taxonomic group or physiological or ecological process. As analytical techniques have become more complex, it’s increasingly difficult for content experts to also become fluent in emerging statistical methods, GIS software, or data visualization. This has created a need to solicit help from analysts to complete portions of projects or better design a novel study that can incorporate recently developed methods (for more information on common analytical areas, see topic descriptions below). Our group provides analytical support ranging from specific coding questions to general analysis assistance. Our goal is to save time spent analyzing data by those less familiar with certain techniques or improve inference by employing novel or emerging techniques to existing data. We can help with software coding, spatial analyses, regression, mixed-effects and hierarchical models, power analyses, sampling design, Bayesian models, web-based data applications, and web and publication quality figures. We select projects based on analyst ability and experience, time investment and concordance with DOI, USGS and Center priorities.
Bromaghin, Jeffrey F., 907-786-7086Patil, Vijay P., 907-786-7178
Taylor, Rebecca , 907-786-7004
Weiser, Emily L., 907-786-7089
Status: onGoing
Start Year: 2020
End Year: 2024
FWS - Alaska RegionUSGS Mission Area and Program
Ecosystems → Wildlife ProgramMajor Initiatives
USGS - Changing Arctic Ecosystems InitiativeUSGS - Marine and Freshwater Ecology
USGS - Wetlands and Terrestrial Ecology