Alaska Science Center

US Topo Maps for Alaska- A New 1:25,000-Scale Series for the State

The USGS National Geospatial Program is producing new US Topo 7.5-minute, 1:25,000-scale digital topographic map products in GeoPDF format covering all of Alaska to supersede the 15-minute, 1:63,360-scale topographic maps currently available for the state.


In 2013, the USGS National Geospatial Program began creating new US Topo maps in Alaska, providing a comprehensive update to the 15-minute 1:63,360-scale printed maps produced nearly fifty years ago. These new digital topographic maps for Alaska are created in the 7.5-minute 1:25,000-scale quadrangle format similar to the legacy paper maps in the conterminous U.S., with the addition of an aerial photo or satellite image as a visual base layer. Maps are created in GeoPD format and are available for free download and viewing on a computer or mobile device, including user-controlled digital map data layers and basic, on-screen geographic analysis. US Topo maps are accessible for free download from The National Map Viewer and for download and order from the USGS Store Map Locator and Downloader (see Web Links to the right). Each map is made from key layers of digital map data found in The National Map. Much of the Alaska digital map data is specifically tailored to the unique needs of the state. Data layers include imagery, transportation, geographic names, topographic contours, boundaries, hydrography, structures, and woodlands, plus additional layers such as the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) and United States National Grid (USNG). Maps can only be created where satellite imagery and highly detailed elevation data exists. USGS is coordinating with the State of Alaska and multiple federal agencies to acquire these data through partnerships such as the Alaska Statewide Digital Mapping Initiative and Alaska Mapping Executive Committee. This multi-year mapping initiative vastly improves the base topographic maps for the state to better meet the needs of high priority applications in safety, planning, research and resource management. Over the next six years, 11,273 US Topo maps will be created to cover all of Alaska. Approximately 400 maps will be created by October of 2013, with an additional 700 maps expected by October 2014. Maps will be available as they are produced and posted over the next few years.
Title Type
The National Map ViewerProject Website
USGS Store (Choose Map Locator & Downloader, see Quickstart Guide above for download instructions)Project Website
Quickstart Guide for US Topo Download and UseProject Website
US Topo WebsiteProject Website


Wright, Brian K., 907-201-0113

Status: onGoing
Start Year: 2013
End Year:

USGS - Office of the Alaska Regional Director - ARD

USGS Mission Area and Program
Core Science SystemsNational Geospatial Program

Land Surface > Topography > Contours