USGS Changing Arctic Ecosystems: Measuring and forecasting the response of wildlife populations to changes in ecosystem processes on the Arctic Coastal Plain
The USGS Changing Arctic Ecosystems (CAE) program quantifies the current and likely future response of wildlife and habitats to physical change in the Arctic and rapidly responds to the science needs of Department of the Interior agencies and other decision makers.Abstract
The USGS Changing Arctic Ecosystems (CAE) program quantifies the current and likely future response of wildlife and habitats to physical change in the Arctic and rapidly responds to the science needs of Department of the Interior agencies and other decision makers. Current research objectives of this project in include: (1) greater understanding in the behavioral shifts of Arctic-nesting geese to earlier spring phenology and to the increase of the western Arctic snow goose population in northern Alaska, (2) contribution of shorebird information from northern Alaska to the Arctic Shorebird Demographic Network that quantifies response of shorebird species to Arctic change across a network of 16 northern latitude study sites in Russia, the U.S. and Canada, (3) estimation of survival rates of three species of loons that breed in northern Alaska, and (4) quantification of forage quality and quantity for caribou of the Central Arctic Herd. .
Adams, Layne G., 907.786.7159Flint, Paul L., 907-786-7183
Johnson, Heather , 907-786-7155
Meixell, Brandt W., 907-786-7157
Patil, Vijay P., 907-786-7178
Ruthrauff, Daniel , 907-786-7162
Uher-Koch, Brian , 907-786-7052
Status: completed
Start Year: 2010
End Year: 2019
Project Sites
FWS - Alaska Migratory Bird ManagementLocation
North Slope BoroughUSGS Mission Area and Program
Ecosystems → Wildlife ProgramMajor Initiatives
USGS - Changing Arctic Ecosystems InitiativeKeywords
Biosphere > Terrestrial Ecosystems > Alpine/TundraClimate Indicators