Table with daily meteorological observations. Precipitation is given in millimeter water equivalent (mm.w.e.) and temperature in degrees Celsius. Precipitation values represent daily totals and temperature values represent daily averages of all temperatures recorded. Presented in a Comma Separated Value (CSV) formatted table.
Detailed information on specific stations, and sub-daily data beginning in the 1990s at the analog-digital transition is available in an associated weather data release, available under the USGS Benchmark Glacier Mass Balance and Project Data collection via
In glacier-wide analyses, meteorological stations installed within the glacier watershed are used at Wolverine and Gulkana glaciers. Discontinuous local records for South Cascade Glacier, Lemon Creek Glacier, and Sperry Glacier prompted use of continuously-operating area weather stations. Portions of this discontinuous, local station data is available in the associated weather data release. Locations of weather stations used for calculation of glacier-wide mass balance are given below.
Wolverine 990: 60.3819, -148.9397
Gulkana 1480: 63.2614, -145.4102
Lemon Creek 5: 58.3566, -134.564
South Cascade 270: 48.7141, -121.143
Sperry 1920: 48.8017, -113.857
Location of primary weather station used for each glacier. Gulkana and Wolverine are within the glacier basin; others are continuously-operating weather stations in the area of the glacier. Coordinates are given in decimal degrees; elevations are in meters.
To produce glacier-wide mass balance solutions, these weather data are used to solve for the timing of mass extrema. The USGS uses data from Seward, AK to fill data gaps in the Wolverine glacier meteorology record (van Beusekom and others, 2010). Gaps in the Gulkana record are filled with data from the Gulkana Airport in Glenallen, AK. In Montana, near Sperry Glacier, data gaps from the Flattop SNOTEL are filled with data from the Hungry Horse Dam. Time series from the Juneau Airport for Lemon Creek and Diablo Dam for South Cascade are not filled with data from a secondary site. Prior to Version 5.0, a lapse rate of -6.5 C/km was used to calculate on-glacier temperatures across at all Benchmark Glaciers. In Version 5.0 forward, using local weather stations the Lemon Creek Glacier lapse rate was optimized, resulting in a -5.0 C/km lapse rate as detailed in McNeil and others 2020, "Explaining mass balance and retreat dichotomies at Taku and Lemon Creek Glaciers, Alaska". Mass balance estimates rely on the relationship between winter precipitation observed at a weather station, and snow/ice observed on the ground during spring mass balance measurements and the balance profile. Additional years of data allow for further refinement of this relationship, which changes the historical time series very slightly with each additional year of data.
File naming convention: Input_[GLACIER]_Daily_Weather: where [GLACIER] = glacier name