[ { "name": "icemail", "organization": "U.S. Geological Survey", "description": "R script for email delivery of sea ice imagery and charts to users with limited bandwidth", "version": "v2.0.0", "status": "Production", "permissions": { "usageType": "openSource", "licenses": [ { "name": "Public Domain, CC0-1.0", "URL": "https://code.usgs.gov/asc/icemail/tree/-/raw/v2.0.0/LICENSE.md" } ] }, "homepageURL": "https://code.usgs.gov/asc/icemail", "downloadURL": "https://code.usgs.gov/asc/icemail/-/archive/v2.0.0/icemail-v2.0.0.zip", "disclaimerURL": "https://code.usgs.gov/asc/icemail/-/raw/v2.0.0/DISCLAIMER.md", "repositoryURL": "https://code.usgs.gov/asc/icemail.git", "vcs": "git", "laborHours": 0, "tags": [ "USGS", "sea ice", "R", "marine chart", "passive microwave", "visual imagery", "usgs|doi: https://doi.org/10.5066/F7ZS2TRS" ], "languages": [ "R" ], "contact": { "name": " U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center", "email": "ascweb@usgs.gov" }, "date": { "metadataLastUpdated": "2023-07-06" } }, { "name": "Icemail", "organization": "U.S. Geological Survey", "description": "Scripting to support logistics and navigational planning in Alaskan ice bearing waters. Provides information in a manner that is convenient for users aboard offshore vessels and remote communities with limited internet data access.", "version": "1.0", "status": "Development", "permissions": { "usageType": "openSource", "licenses": [ { "name": "Public Domain, CC0-1.0", "URL": "https://code.usgs.gov/asc/icemail/tree/master/LICENSE.md" } ] }, "homepageURL": "https://code.usgs.gov/asc/icemail", "downloadURL": "https://code.usgs.gov/asc/icemail/tree/master/-/archive/master/icemail-master.zip", "disclaimerURL": "https://code.usgs.gov/asc/icemail/tree/master/DISCLAIMER.md", "repositoryURL": "https://code.usgs.gov/asc/icemail/icemail.git", "vcs": "git", "laborHours": 0, "tags": [ "USGS", "sea ice", "R", "marine chart", "passive microwave", "visual imagery" ], "languages": [ "JSON", "English" ], "contact": { "name": " U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center", "email": "ascweb@usgs.gov" }, "date": { "metadataLastUpdated": "2017-07-25" } } ]