Alaska Science Center

Minerals Data and Information Rescue in Alaska (MDIRA)

Collect, compile, clean-up, and publish minerals- and geologic-data for Alaska. Funded by Special Appropriation from 1998-2004. USGS directly responsible for geochemical, mineral deposit, and bibliographic databases.


Collect, compile, clean-up, and publish minerals- and geologic-data for Alaska. Funded by Special Appropriation from 1998-2004. USGS directly responsible for geochemical, mineral deposit, and bibliographic databases. Other efforts include library resources, physical samples, and mining claim and land status information. Recent USGS accomplishments include 1) a new DVD containing data for 390,784 Alaska geochemistry samples from USGS and NURE databases; and a database of all 5911 records from the ARDF Alaska mineral deposit databases; 2) Five new quadrangles (814 records) have been posted to the ARDF mineral deposit site; and 3) The Alaska Paleontological Database now contains > 7,500 entries (sites) comprised of information on micro-, macro-, and megafossil locations throughout Alaska. This database will contain in excess of 10,000 entries upon completion. This project was requested by the Alaska Miners Association and other stakeholders. The intent was to preserve information that was difficult to obtain, was not in a useful format, or perceived to be at risk of disappearing altogether. This information is useful to a variety of stakeholders, primarily the exploration and mining industry.


Gamble, Bruce M., 907-786-7479

Status: completed
Start Year: 1997
End Year: 2004

USGS - Alaska Science Center

USGS Mission Area and Program
Energy and MineralsMineral Resources

Solid Earth > Natural Resources > Metals